Shot 01 Final
Shot 01 Line Pass
Shot 01 Greybox
Shot 02 Final
Shot 02 Line Pass
Shot 02 Greybox
Shot 03 Final
Shot 03 Line Pass
Shot 03 Greybox
Big Props
Small Props
Here is the result from a workshop demo made for my second year game art bachelor mostly. Subject is to make a rooftop design for a slightly futuristic bar for several locations, potentially for a kind of game hub for a fictive project. Obviously my example takes place in Paris with some kind of Art Nouveau overall look. Process is to design props first, modeling them in Blender roughly, generate a greybox render and a freestyle pass to extract a basic line. Then go into Photoshop to composite and refine the line, and make another pass of indirect color, photobashing and stuff.