Far Away Animation

Sunrise shot

Space Hotroad caption

Lightspeed part

Space Corvette

Space Station

Space Hotroad sculpt in Gravity Sketch

Corvette sculpt in Gravity Sketch

Station sculpt in Gravity Sketch
During the second "Atelier Immersif" livestream, I've started to sculpt somme space asset (station, corvette...) on Gravity Sketch. I'd planned nothing specific with them, could been an artwork too, but it was too tempting to make an animation. So here is the result a few hours later. Twitch ETR_FR: https://www.twitch.tv/etr_fr Live Replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OCvJSEMUs4&t Music from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJKJEUwqc1E